Monday, December 14, 2009

Provigil And Acyclovir How Do I Handle My Nausea Without Giving Up Provigil?

How do I handle my nausea without giving up Provigil? - provigil and acyclovir

I take Wellbutrin and Provigil for over a month and a half. And while I learn to prevent nausea in particular, sometimes I have no warning before it happens to receive. I can not my body, which is unpredictable, but like a Narcoleptic Provigil is not as incentives in place, my only alternative. What can I do?


♥ Animal Luvr ♥ said...

Have you thought that the fear might cause your sickness? I do not exist for nausea, or he will never give them an idea. But I have overcome the nausea, of course, I suppose.

k s said...

You may have reached only a point to obtain the drug used. Try to hang in the know, it is not easy. Sometimes helping a little salt in the language may cause nausea or soda crackers, always at hand. Good luck.

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